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Market Analytics

Transforms millions of daily events into value indicators

Maximize the knowledge of your users and competition to develop an appropriate mobile strategy

Our solution collects data of thousands of users generated through the use of their mobile devices and classifies them into different categories and subcategories according to the sector and industry of each application. Based on this data, we extract new strategic approaches and effective business perspectives.
Monitor Applications

Access to historical data and compare the results with other applications in the sector, country or selected region.

Know the evolution of the sector or a specific app and discover the most relevant changes.

Data Analytics

Our platform turns data into insights available through friendly web interfaces and dashboards where our clients can:

  • Analyze data by market, sector app and geographical area.
  • Compare the different indicators
  • Know better your users and competition
Data Analytics

Our platform turns data into insights available through friendly web interfaces and dashboards where our clients can:

  • Analyze data by market, sector app and geographical area.
  • Compare the different indicators
  • Know better your users and competition
Optimize and Monetize

Base important decisions of your business strategy on real data.

Create strategic alliances based on your users affinity with other applications and services, and develop your products adapted to the needs of your target audience.


Discover the market and sector share of any active application and compare it with yours

Check the frequency of usage of the installed applications in your market or sector.

Learn and compare the usage time of the active applications.

Measure the total mobile consumption by access type: mobile or wifi.

Discover the loyalty of your subscribers in your sector by knowing those using one or more competitor applications.

Compare the evolution of different sectors and mobile apps and discover which is the most profitable niche.


Users and competition data and insights in one platform to customize and optimize your business


Evaluate your current competitive position and performance

Compare your applications against a number of competitors applications using a set of metrics, and evaluate your performance over time.

Analyze different sectors such as: Banking, Delivery, Retail, Social, Telecom …


Know the status of other sectors of interest

Dive into user behavior and analyze cross-app usage and loyalty patterns to enhance product and marketing efforts.

It is essential to know your users but it is also essential to know your competition.


Know the status of other sectors of interest

Dive into user behavior and analyze cross-app usage and loyalty patterns to enhance product and marketing efforts.

It is essential to know your users but it is also essential to know your competition.

Market Trends

Analyze and test if monetization is generated

Keeping track of the market trends product developers can aggregate new ideas or functions to their products, marketers new communication channels, and business developers find new strategies alliances and partners.

A smart resource for your team

Analyze the evolution of your business sector to make appropriate business decisions, and find potential partners.


Know the affinity and loyalty of your subscribers compared with the competition and plan marketing campaigns based on real data.


Value the potential and performance of thousands of applications. Compare the value of your sector applications before making decisions in your projects.

If you are interested to improving your business, then contact us