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Telecom Analytics

Specialized solution in the Telecommunications sector

Analyze in detail the consumption, coverage, quality and performance of your subscribers against the competition in your market.

Trecone Telecom Analytics solutions monitor continuously the experience of an operator’s customers delivering intuitive metrics enabling teams to track changes in the network experience.
Mobile Network Operators

Our platform turns our data collected from the millions of daily events generated by our global crowdsourced users into meaningful insights to power personalized mobile user analysis in terms of:

  • Consumption: Mobile vs WiFi
  • Mobile Coverage
  • Quality of Service: Data and Voice
  • Network Performance

Trecone provides benchmarking metrics that allow the mobile operator obtain valuable information regarding important KPIs, insights on how competition performs and understand what actions need to be taken to ensure optimal network operation.

  • Obtain a reliable, representative view of network performance in comparison with competition.
  • Uncloak practices and strategy implemented by the competition.
  • Find out what actions to take to deliver a unique end user experience.
Compare with competitors

Trecone provides benchmarking metrics that allow the mobile operator obtain valuable information regarding important KPIs, insights on how competition performs and understand what actions need to be taken to ensure optimal network operation.

  • Obtain a reliable, representative view of network performance in comparison with competition.
  • Uncloak practices and strategy implemented by the competition.
  • Find out what actions to take to deliver a unique end user experience.

Regulators are responsible to assure the coverage and quality of service provided to citizens in their countries to maximize the quality of experience. The fixed and mobile networks providing access to internet to users and business are important for the local economies.

By using Trecone Telecom Analytics regulators can monitor the end-to-end customer experience from all the existing real networks in their countries from the first day.


Discover the variation in the average data and voice consumption per operator and access technology.

Access to coverage indicators to analyze time ratio coverage by operator and access technology and create your coverage maps.

Review periodically the network performance in terms of speed and latency.

Discover the percentage of network connection errors for the data and voice services.

We continuously work to bring our metrics to the different geographic areas to allow our clients to get more precise information.


This platform offers hundreds of possibilities to analyze, compare and extract data

User consumption

New technologies are not the only cause of the increase in consumption

The consumption increase year after year but still a high percentage is based on WiFi access. By analyzing the consumption patterns we can identify how new technologies, apps, contents and services affects the increase in consumption and design the tariff plans and strategy according.

Quality of experience

Mobile network coverage is not the only requirement to assure quality

Operators compete to increase their networks coverage on the different access technologies, but there is multiple metrics to take into account to create an complete benchmarking report, as:

  • Network availability
  • Network connectivity
  • Network performance

Quality of experience

Mobile network coverage is not the only requirement to assure quality

Operators compete to increase their networks coverage on the different access technologies, but there is multiple metrics to take into account to create an complete benchmarking report, as:

  • Network availability
  • Network connectivity
  • Network performance

Strategic alliances

Tariff plans discounts are not the only benefit to end subscribers

OTT services are growing fast in the different areas: games, video, music, banking, etc, and operators are working hard to innovate and offer value to their end users. Not always the best option is to create a new services from scratch, but find the correct partner to generate value and increase ARPU.

Trecone allows to monitor this services by categorizing the apps and their contents.

A smart resource for your team
Customer Intelligence

By benchmark the competition in terms of consumption and quality of service operators can better understand the customer experience and design tariff plans according their needs.


Marketing activities are guided with analysis of the user behaviour and needs. Our data brings new insights to complement their internal analytics to optimize their campaigns and branding communication.


Network monitoring solutions are based on the information provided by network sensors (network-centric). Trecone data complements this information with device information (user-centric) to have the end-to-end analysis of their own and competitors network.

If you are interested to improving your business, then contact us